Andrew Gray’s Introductory Post
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” I have always loved this quote, as it allows me not only do the best I can, but also to not worry about what others …...
View ArticleThen and Now.
As a recap for those of you who may be new or quite simply forgot, I want this blog to be centered around people’s life stories. However, it’s not just about their story, it’s about how the individual...
View ArticleTED Talk Outline
For my TED Talk, I’ve decided to talk about the technological advancement. What caused the development in technology? What effects does the technology have in our daily life? Why do we change from...
View ArticlePassion Blog Ideas – Part Deux
I for one was happy to finally see my last Passion Blog post uploaded. For me, what may have begun as a chance for me to explore having a chronic medical condition at college soon devolved into...
View ArticleFrom the classroom to the “real world”
Finding something you like to do is half the battle. While still in high school, this idea may seem far out of reach since most of your classes are not intended to inspire future career goals. Once you...
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